Sunday, February 5, 2017

Fear Will Not Control Me

Sorry I haven't been in touch lately.This is a article that I wrote, Fear will not control me, I used to be afraid of the dark but god helped me control my fear Now I am not afraid like this        verse Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid it is for fear of punishment and this shows we have not fully experienced his perfect love.1 John verse 18. Donald trump puts fear in  USA and having a american and Canadian back ground is fun but Donald trump will and could start a war or world war 3 with Mexico when building the wall. stay tuned to hear more.😊😸


  1. Hi Noelle -- When I was your age, there was a lot of talk about World War 3 and I remember it was very scary, so I know how you feel. The good news is that no matter what happens in the news, God is in charge and so we don't need to be afraid. It isn't easy but remembering verses like the one you included above remind us that we can trust Him to love us and take care of us. And that is better than any government's promise. Love you, Susan

  2. PS You should write here more often. ;)

  3. I also like 2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but a spirit of power, love and self discipline.
    Your brother said some wise words about love. God will give us power to overcome our fears as well. Thanks for your words!

  4. I like your outlook on life, Noelle. You are so right! Perfect love does not let fear enter the room. I'm glad we have a God who loves us perfectly. :) We don't need to fear him, and we don't need to fear the events in our country and world because we know God is with us. Thanks for sharing!
